Áreas de atuação

Partner in the Aviation and Civil Litigation areas. Graduated in Law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. He holds an MBA in Business Management from USP (ESALQ) and is a specialist in Civil Procedure from PUC-SP. His performance is focused on civil advisory and litigation matters, including legal proceedings and strategic administrative procedures, especially of a consumerist nature involving air transport of passengers and cargo.

With over 10 years of experience in this area, he worked at Demarest Advogados coordinating teams and managing large and complex case portfolios, having as clients relevant names in the aviation sector.

He is the author of several articles published in the main newspapers in the country, as well as co-author of the book Panorama Legal on Consumer Relations in the Digital Age, organized by IBRAC-Brazilian Institute of Competition, Consumption and International Trade Studies.

Ranked by Chambers and Partners, the most important international legal publication, as a reference in the area of ​​consumer law in Brazil, being mentioned as a professional “with a remarkable focus, especially in the aviation sector, and who receives a solid return of praise from clients who observe their availability, diligence and attention to detail”.

Formação Acadêmica

MBA in Business Management from USP (ESALQ)

Specialization in Civil Procedure from PUC-SP

Graduated in Law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie



Chambers and Partners, 2021 – “with a remarkable focus, especially in the aviation sector, and who receives a solid return of praise from clients who observe their availability, diligence and attention to detail”.

Chambers and Partners, 2022 – “Up-and-coming partner Victor Hanna continues to receive praises from clients who speak highly about his communication skills and “sophisticated approach, openness and awareness of the company’s commercial needs.” Hanna has a strong track record assisting clients from the aviation sector with civil advisory and portfolio management.”


Co-author to the article “Lei do Voo Simples: entre ranços e avanços” (O Estado de S. Paulo, 2021).

Co-author to the article “As consequências do excesso de demandas judiciais no ambiente de negócios” (LexLatin, 2022).

Contribution to the news report “Compra passagens com milhas? Programa da Latam tem falhas e causa transtornos a clientes; veja o que fazer” (InfoMoney, 2022).

Co-author to the article “A ‘tiktokização’ das profissões e os limites da publicidade na advocacia” (O Estado de S. Paulo, 2021).

Contribution to the news report “Bolsonaro nos EUA sem vacina e quarentena: como funcionam as exceções de entrada para autoridades?”  (Infomoney, 2021).

Contribution to the news report “OMS aprova a CoronaVac para uso emergencial” (Infomoney, 2021).

Contribution to the news report “Como planejar viagens em 2021? Veja as perspectivas para o turismo no Brasil e no exterior” (Infomoney, 2021).

Contribution to the news report “Turismo pós-vacinação: Passaporte de imunização já é realidade em alguns países” (Infomoney, 2021).

Co-author of the article “O impacto da mercantilização da advocacia pelas plataformas digitais para o setor aéreo” (O Estado de S. Paulo, 2020).

Co-author of the article “Covid-19: impacto nas decisões judiciais sobre relações de consumo” (O Estado de S. Paulo, 2020).

Contribution to the news report “Conheça prós e contras de comprar passagem aérea com milhas de terceiros” (Folha de S.Paulo, 2020).

Contribution to the news report “Nova lei muda regras de remarcação de passagem na pandemia” (Folha de S.Paulo, 2020).

Contribution to the news report “Câmara aprova MP de socorro a aéreas e reduz saques do FGTS a trabalhadores do setor” (Folha de S.Paulo, 2020).

Co-author of the article “STJ afasta presunção de dano moral em casos de atraso ou cancelamento de voo” (O Estado de S. Paulo, 2019).

Co-author of the article “Impactos das Decisões do STF para o Setor Aéreo” (O Estado de S. Paulo, 2018).

Co-author of the book “Panorama Legal sobre as Relações de Consumo na Era Digital” (IBRAC, 2018).



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