27 de setembro de 2021


Goulart Penteado Advogados opens its doors

Materia Leaders League.


After more than two decades at full-service powerhouse Demarest Advogados, seasoned attorney Luciana Goulart Penteado announced the launch of her new corporate litigation firm, Goulart Penteado Advogados.


The São Paulo-based boutique counts with a highly qualified team that also comes from Demarest and aims on assisting major national and foreign companies in judicial and administrative disputes from the aviation, automotive, pharmaceutical, consumer goods, technology, retail and healthcare sectors.


“We are giving all the support to Luciana and her team in this new endeavor”, stated Paulo Coelho da Rocha, the managing partner of Demarest Advogados. Mr. Rocha also added that the move goes according to Demarest’s strategic planning for the next two years. “Given the relevance of Corporate Litigation to the particularities of its needs and logistical structure, we decided to grant independence to the area, which we believe will strengthen its performance, allowing an even more efficient, close and personalized service to clients. We intend on maintaining a continuous partnership with Luciana and her new office.”, he added.


Luciana Goulart Penteado is an established attorney with over 20 years of experience in the legal market, having spent a decade as a partner of Demarest Advogados working with civil litigation and consumer law matters. Academically, she holds a Bachelor of Laws and an specialization degree in Civil Procedural Law from Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas (FMU), in addition to s an LL.M degree from Samford University (USA).


“We are a new firm, but with a structure that knows itself very well. I’m very happy with the news, as the long partnership between our professionals, added to our expertise in the area, makes Goulart Penteado Advogados a firm that has started strong, mature and with a lot of desire to grow.”, stated Ms. Goulart.

Capa da notícia - Goulart Penteado Advogados opens its doors

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